Index for "expl b"
BATCH - a primer on using B in batch.
BMAC - GMAP macros for writing B subroutines.
COMMAND - command to invoke the B compiler.
CONSOLES - working with the console in batch.
COROUTINES - the B co-routine package.
DIRECTIVES - B compiler directives.
ENTRY - entry to your program from B setup.
FORTRAN - mixing Fortran 66 and B routines.
IOPL - I/O program logic manual.
LIB - routines available to the B user.
MANIFESTS - on-line manifest files.
MANUAL - the reference manual.
STRING - string I/O support.
SYSLIB - routines for privileged system programs.
TAPE - tape I/O in B.
TIME - parsing dates and times.
The B Tutorial Guide
TZ - library facilities for time zones.
UNITS - default I/O units and how to use I/O units.